Servicing the Force – or IOW The Akai Force Detoxing!

Akai Force Tips & Tricks, Tutorials / Articles

Sooner or Later Some parts on the Akai force May need cleaning or replacement.
Today (Dec 27 2024) my almost 4.5 year Force started Giving me issues with some stuck pads (hanging notes). not to mention the macro knobs have been erratic/jittery for some time..
I ended up opening my force and servicing up its bottom region and both of the issues have been cured, though I suspect macro knobs will again start acting up in weeks or months.


Creating Sustained/Drone Notes, Loops & Samples on Akai Force

Akai Force Tips & Tricks, Tutorials / Articles

One of the frequently asked question on the group is how to drone/sustain a note /Clip indefinitely?

Your answer Lies in the title itself.. SUSTAIN

For Anything to Sustain (Plug-in,Ext Synth, Loop, keygroup..) It is very Important that its amp envelope sustain is full (100% in most cases or a lower value which you want to drone at a falloff level, but it should never be close zero.


Setting Up AKAI FORCE, Behringer TD-3 and Amit’s TD-3 Patcher App Together for Live Play

Tutorials / Articles

Here I am Explaining the Basic Setup I use For Realtime Control of TD-3 Patcher App for Live Playing.


  1. Connect Force Midi Out (3.5mm -> 5 PIN DIN) to TD-3 Midi in via a Midi Cable.
  2. In Force Preferences Midi Settings Enable Sync  FORCE as output.
  3. Create a New Midi Track
    1. Set Output Channel to 16.
    2. Set Midi Output port to FORCE
    3. Set name to anything (I call it TD3 Control).
    4. Go to Notes Setting (Shift + Notes) and set it to Chromatic, Continuous, C 