The Raga App is a Personal Use Application Developed by Amit Talwar To better learn Indian Ragas on Guitar and Keyboards.
- It’s a Free Application for anyone who may have the need of this tool to better learn / visualise the India / Hindustani ragas on Guitar Fretboard or a Keyboard / Harmonium.
- Interactive:
- Choice to Use Any Note as the Root Note.
- # of b Notation for Western (Indian Notation also possible)
- Ability Create a Custom Guitar Tuning to visualise how the raga will render on the neck , (Depending on use case).
- Chord Hinter: Based on the Notes used in the Raga, it will Hint the basic possible chords that you can use. The Chords are also visualised on keyboard.
- Note: This is a just a helper tool. It will be updated as I myself progress through my learning through it.
- Bollywood songs are listed and linked to youtube search, so one can listen to how the particular raga has been used in some popular songs.
- It’s Cross Platform Online Application developed in Vue.js Framework.
- If you like it , drop in a comment.